9 healthy benefits of almonds - almond oil - natural almond oil - baimeni Australia

Natural health benefits of almonds


We take a look at the healthy benefits of eating and enjoying almonds. Not only great to snack on when hunger strikes, but also wonderful for your skin and body.


1. almonds are loaded with antioxidants

Just like your soothing cup of green tea or a punnet of strawberries, almonds are full of antioxidants! Antioxidants pack a powerful punch of nutrients that your body will thank you for. 

Fun fact! The largest amount of antioxidants in almonds are found in the brown layer of the nut. 


2. your skin loves almonds

The rejuvenating powers of antioxidants in almonds help protect the skin, helping to reduce the signs of ageing. 


3. great for your immune system

Almonds contain Vitamin E, vital in the overall maintenance of a healthy immune system. We all know what you put in your body can reflect on the outside, Vitamin E can help to provide you with healthy and beautiful skin.


4. helps with hair growth

Almonds are rich in magnesium. The mineral magnesium is linked to having healthy, shiny locks of hair. In addition to this, magnesium can also counter the effects of stress.  By introducing almonds regularly to your diet, you can let your hair enjoy the benefits. 


5. almond Oil is nourishing and revitalising

Almonds also come in a natural oil form. Unlike some other oils, almond oil is light and smooth, making it easier for it to be absorbed into your skin. Almond oil is great for removing dirt and grime from the skin simultaneously giving your face a nourishing and cleansing treatment. Its Vitamin A content is also believed to help prevent future acne breakouts.

Almond oil is a lovely treat for tired eyes. Just massage a couple of drops of almond oil below your eyes before sleeping, and in the morning enjoy your new brighter and glowing appearance. 

best almond oil cleanser - natural - organic - baimeni Australia

baimeni Sweet Australian Almond Oil Cleanser helps to remove grime from the face and clean your pores. This best almond oil helps to refresh your skin with all the vitamins almonds have to offer. Nourishing and cleansing, your skin is sure to glow when adding this natural almond oil cleanser into your skincare routine! Suitable for all skin types.


6. essential fatty acids

Almonds have a nice balance of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. This means almonds are anti-inflammatory. These essential fatty acids are great for your overall immune system, healthy brain functioning and regulating blood pressure. 

Increasing the intake of Omega 3 is crucial in normal functioning and appearance of the skin. This can reduce the risk of acne and other skin issues— something we’re all happy to hear! So, consuming more omega 3 can lead to younger and healthier looking skin. 


7. almonds are cholesterol regulators

Bye-bye high cholesterol.A Study by Aston University showed eating a handful of almonds a day may help reduce your chance of heart disease. 


8. almonds can be a great swap for regular milk

Almond milk contains all the nutrients of almonds — only in liquid form! If you’re looking for a delicious plant based alternative, almond milk is 50% lower in calories than regular milk. 

You can also swap regular butter for almond butter. This alternative is just as delicious as peanut butter, only it’s healthier. A serving of almond butter contains 25% more monounsaturated fat, which is linked to decreasing the risk of heart disease and helps with blood sugar control. 


9. almonds are a versatile snack

Aside from all the nutritional and health benefits, almonds make a delicious snack! Almonds alone are perfect for a quick on the go nibble. They can also be mixed in with savoury and sweet dishes. Add a crunch to your salad by sprinkling toasted almonds over it. To satisfy your sweet tooth, indulge in almond slices, cakes, and crumbles. Yum! 

Click here to learn more about baimeni’s Sweet Australian Almond Oil Cleanser with Vitamin E.


Learn more about your skin type: Forget online quizzes, the only way to understand and know what skin type you have, is to check your skin. Here is a practical way of getting to know your natural skin deeper to help you make the right decisions when it comes to purchasing skincare.

Find out your natural skin type


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